Monday, February 23, 2015

Living in Community

It would be hard for me to say that living in community is easy. It is a beautiful thing and when we were headed here to Indonesia I had great excitement about living in the midst of missionaries. We were always going to be holding hands, loving each other and singing "Kumbaya". However, I forgot one vital thing - we are all broken people who desperately need Christ. Many days we come to Him, hat in hand and acknowledge that need - other days, well you know. It is hard. Living in a tight-knit bubble in a foreign country takes it toll on all of us.
Through the five years we have been here we have had many communal ups and downs. Many of the downs because of our own sin: pride, selfishness, and so on. Most of the ups are solely due to God's grace in each of our lives. But one thing is for sure - it is hard.
We have had to say goodbye too many times, many times not knowing if we will see the other person or family again. We have had the blessing of many hellos along the way as well. But that has its own challenges. In our transitional community it seems you are always adjusting, always trying to figure out the rhythm.
The Bible has a lot to say about community:
Psalm 133:1 “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”

Indeed how good and pleasant it is - but we must not forget to fix our eyes on Jesus. He carries our community and teaches us grace, love, understanding, and compassion. Often we get so bogged down with life that we sometimes miss these lessons.
In short, this community is amazing. I will never forget so many of the moments that I have experienced here. I have shared deep laughter and deep mourning with some of the most amazing people. Many years ago we had a director of another school come to visit as part of our schools accreditation process and I will never forget him laughingly saying that he was convinced that his coming to the mission field was more about making him uncomfortable and moving him somewhere he could be broken for Christ more than the "mission" in itself. How true that is!
I can only close my eyes and imagine this community times one million or more in heaven - as we know the fullness of God and His grace and mercy. I long for it and sweetly anticipate that time with these people and so, so many more believers.
I encourage you today to look around and be more aware of the community in which you live. See those around you as God sees them. Try so hard to get past yourself and jus simply praise God for those He has purposely placed in your life. Cause, man, it is so sweet.

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